Welcome to Trimdon Village Hall
Welcome to Trimdon Village Hall

       Trimdon Village Hall.



 We are a registered CIO.(Charitable Incorporated Organisation )  Trimdon Village Hall & Playing Field Reg No :- 1201335. and have a new Lease.This will enable us to  maintain our Public Building and offer a range of services and events  to you our community in the future.


Thank you for visiting our Web site.


If you would like to visit our hall or help :-

Ring or call in.  ALL ARE WELCOME.








Where to find us: Hallgarth Road, Trimdon Village,   TS29 6JX

Trimdon Village Hall Hallgarth road

Trimdon village TS29 6JX


Mob    07756196991

Tel       01429 881948

Face book 

Trimdon Village Hall 



Registered CIO  No :- 1201335


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© Trimdon Village Hall